Yesterday, I got a new Nano 33 IoT. After opening the box, the board has worked great and has been able to upload normal sketches just fine.
However, this morning when I first tried to upload a sketch using the WiFi NINA Library, I got the error "Communication with WiFi module failed!"
The first thing I did was update the firmware to version 1.3.0. After testing the programmer and seeing it work, I uploaded the new firmware.
However, when I then went to test the firmware using the CheckFirmware sketch in the WiFi NINA library, I got the same error.
At this moment in time, I thought that maybe the ESP32 module was broken, so I tried to test it directly using the SerialNINAPassthrough sketch. After uploading that sketch, I downloaded the ESP32 boards manager and selected the Ublox module in the boards menu. I then uploaded the WiFiScan sketch, and too my surprise it worked and printed out all the nearby WiFi networks.
After checking the schematic, I believe that the SAMD21 uses the SPI bus + the 3 GPIO pins in order to talk with the module. I am also guessing that the module uses the full UART bus with SerialNINAPassthrough.
And because the full UART Bus and SPI Bus overlap, doesn't that mean that the problem has to be with the 3 GPIO connections? (GPIO0, RESET, ACK)
Is this assumption correct or am I overthinking this? Could there be a bad solder joint? What do you think I should try?
Thanks in advance