Arduino Nano 33 Sense Rev2 missing

I'm crazed. I have an Arduino Nano33 Sense Rev2 board, and haven't been able to find the board in any of the libraries I've installed. I can only find the Arduino Nano33 BLE board, and I specifically need to use the sensors on the Sense board. Where, oh where, is the right library...??
THX! Steve in Delaware

Take a look at Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 Cheat Sheet

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Hi Dozie. NOPE. I looked at the cheat sheet, followed the instructions and got to the same no-board-there point. I tried the web editor, and could only find the BLE board, not the Sense Rev2...! I have some experience working with the IDE, have downloaded libraries, installed libraries from zip file, and have a pretty good grasp of the basics. But no matter which approach I took I haven't been able to find the Arduino Nano33 BLE Sense Rev2 board. Just to be sure, the package my board came in reads: "ABX00070 NANO 33 BLE SENSE" with these numbers below the barcode: 144000100010078. How do I get this board online?? I've been over the same ground six times to no avail. Must be missing something, please guide me through. :~) SG

It's not clear if your issue is with which libraries to use for the sensors on that board, or with expecting to find a board selection for the Nano 33 BLE Sense in Tools>Board>Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards.

There is not a defined variant for the Nano 33 BLE Sense in the core.

If you select the board as Arduino Nano 33 BLE and # include the library for the sensor you want to address, is there an issue?

Hey cattledog. Yes, door #2...! I keep expecting to find that board as a selection. OK, clears that up, thx. I'll try including the individual sensors' libraries.

Is it so that using the web editor, all libraries are available as I need them?

I don't use the web editor, so I don't know if the sensor libraries you need are available. This post gives you directions for adding a library if one of the 4000 libraries from the library manager available through the web editor is not what your sensor needs.

Thx for the tip. Well...I couldnot get the IDE to recognize the board. Even though it claimed to see the board and port, when I uploaded BLINK, it responded that there was no board. Argh. Then I went through the web editor and all was fine. I even mode a copy of BLINK as 2000ms on/500 ms off, so I could be sure it was working. Baby steps. Ima proceed through the web now. Thx SG

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