I am working on little project with an arduino nano at 5V.
I want to log the various sensors values wirelessly, via
a bluetooth slave serial module, connected to RX0 & TX0 pin of the Nano.
The bluetooth module needs 3.3V for the TX and RX signal.
And the arduino Nano is the 5V version.
Can I connect the Nano TX0 and RX0 directly to the RX & TX of the bluetooth module?
Or do I have to use some resistor to level down the signal?
If someone can tell me, what resistor value I must use.
you can hook the transmit from the module directly to the arduino, but you have to use a level converter to convert the 5 volt signal to 3.3 volts. a resistive divider should work fine for that.
this should help. and it looks like there might be a small 3.3 volt regulator on that board. i have a similar one that doesnt have the pin breakouts on it and it runs on 3.3 volts directly.
The TX on the module can go directly to the RX on the Arduino, but you need a potential divider, from the Tx on the Arduino to the Rx on the BT module.
I bought one of those modules (but without the base board).
The hard part was connecting the leads to the tiny edge connector.
I also found proving that it worked from my mac quite hard. I tries z-term and just the console, but in the end I found that the Processing example program called Duplex was just the ticket. But remember to edit to change the port index. Run it once and it will fail, but then give you a list of ports, and you can just change the port number.