Arduino nano burned out

Hello to all,

I am actually new to arduino,I have tried to control a metal servo motor via arduino nano. Arduino Nano recognized by my computer and everything it's okay until the time that I uploaded the code...Then the arduino Nano started to burned out.I don't know what's going wrong, so here it's the reason that I am asking your help.

I have attatched my connectivity.Let me intoduce my components:
Arduino Nano Old(Runned with the old bootloader)
Waveshare WS-MG90S metal servo motor

Forgot to mention that my usb I used is read and write and not USB 3.0.Also, I used the ready code named "Sweep" in section "Servo"

Thanks in advance

Don't power a servo from the Arduino.

Thank you for the really fast response!

Why?I guess that it's problem with operating voltage. Is there any way to solve this issue using arduino nano?

I would really appreciate your help.

Why?I guess that it's problem with operating voltage. Is there any way to solve this issue using arduino nano?

Not the voltage, but the current, and you need an external supply (wall wart, batteries) capable of supplying an Amp or more.

Connect like this, not forgetting the grounds all connected together as shown:


Then the Arduino Nano started to burned out.

Sorry, that statement means nothing. :roll_eyes:

What actually happened?

Stall current is 700 mA according to this page with a similar Servo motor: Servo Motor Micro MG90S - ProtoSupplies. So you need 700 mA for the Servo motor.

I've powered that type of servo through the USB and a solderless breadboard a few times for a quick bench test. It will definitely help that my USB hub has its own power supply, and yes I know it's not the proper way of doing it but it's very convenient. If it works. It did for me, so me happy to not have to dig up a separate power supply, it may or may not for you.

I have a few of those SG90 style servos; one of them always causes a reset when I do the quick and dirty test, others don't.