Arduino Nano cannot find ports when I plug my i2c device in

I have an Arduino Nano which I connected to a BMP280 sensor. I can find the ports when my Nano itself is plugged in to my computer, but upon powering (ground and 3.3V) the BMP280 the port tab goes grey and no ports show up, and when I have the terminal open it also goes grey. What can I do to fix this? Thanks!

You could read the forum guide to find out what you need to post in order for us to be able to help you. Right now there are too many things that could be causing the problem. All we can say right now is that this is not a common problem and it should work fine.

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Since the problem appears when a hardware device is connected post a schematic, not a frizzy picture of how you have it wired including all power and ground connections.

Here is the Schematic I quickly had drawn, I tried another computer and another USB C cable with the same issue. Whenever I plug/unplug ground or 3.3V on the Nano the USB in unplug and plug in sound effect goes off on my computer.

I tried an Arduino Uno (I tried another Uno one earlier and it didn't work) and now It will stay connected to the port when plugged in, however the default test program still cannot find the BMP280 and is not returning the error message when I cannot find one...

With neither the SDA or SCL cables plugged in, but just the 3.3V and Ground to the BMP280, I remove ground and the device shows up

HOWEVER, upon plugging in ground again, the device goes away?

Sorry this does not work for me. I do not have the time to draw a schematic with appropriate pin numbers etc. or try to figure out what is happening. I will spend it helping others.

Have you measured both the 5V and 3.3V outputs of the Nano, with and without the BMP connected.

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