Arduino nano copy

hi i finish my pcb design for rocekt fly pc and iam not if this copy of arduino will work so can you proove it to me it will work or not. if not what to change thx

You need to include 5v decoupling and 16Mhz oscillator capacitors.

D1 isn’t doing anything.

D3 will short VBUS to GND.

16mhz are connect to atemega under it. By decoipling do you meen regulator to 5V?
i dont know what thet meen sry

  • For each 5v pin, add a 100nF ceramic capacitor near the pin to GND.

  • Add a 22pF capacitor on each 16Mhz crystal lead to GND.

now better?

  • D1 isn’t doing anything.

  • D3 will short VBUS to GND.

  • For each 5v pin, add a 100nF ceramic capacitor near the pin to GND.

  • For each 5v pin, add a 100nF ceramic capacitor near the pin to GND.

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The power switch should switch V+ not GND because the GND can be connected in other ways.

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