Hello, I'm quite new to electronics and was searching tutorial or something what could help to use WLED app with Arduino Nano Iot, but did not found anything. Maybe someone could share some tips? I downloaded Aircoookie-WLED and tried to upload wled00 arduino file to my Arduino Iot, but ETH.h is missing.... Actually, I don't know what to do next, so any tips would be helpful. Thanks!
Do not feel bad, we all were there when we started. It is like learning to speak another language. Your best tool will be Google.com. Try searching for "arduino ETH.h" you will get several links for that file and what it is. You will need to install that library to start. I would suggest you start with some of the example sketches first to get a feel lof how things work. The Arduino cookbook is a great aid and will teach you a lot as will the tutorials on line for Arduino and basic electronics.
Thank you, I see Arduino cookbook will be very useful!
I downloaded Aircoookie-WLED and tried to upload wled00 arduino file to my Arduino Iot, but ETH.h is missing
You know posting links to this stuff would help people see what is missing and maybe find out where you are going wrong.
While the Arduino Cookbook is a good reference source, I can’t see it being much use for your specific problem. I doubt it has anything WLED specific in it. I have never come across these. As I said a link would help.
This is the link: GitHub - Aircoookie/WLED: Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi! . If you see something that could help me, please share
Thanks for the link. So it is not something that some one has sold you but it is someone’s project.
Looking at the link it looks like a complex series of packages definitely not one for beginners.
With regard to the missing file you can raise an issue on that GitHub page and ask where it is. Before doing this read those two sticky posts at the start of the issues list.
Thanks for your help!
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