('ve been using arduino UNO for a while now and it has been perfect, i buy an arduino Nano and everything goes haywire. for some reason the code is just not uploading to the Nano. i tried everything but still it dosen't upload the code. whenever i click upload, the code compiles successfully, the Nano's LEDS blink, but the IDE keeps showing uploading forever. i thought maybe its a cable issue or the board might have been bricked, so i buy a new arduino Nano with a new cable from a completely different seller, and its still the same. All the while the Arduino UNO is working perfectly. what do i do??
What have you got the Processor set to in the IDE Tools menu ?
tried both 328P and 328P old bootloader, still the same for both. although my new arduino Nano's chip says this :-
It's a PB.
You need to use the minicore
added, still the same, still keeps showing uploading.....
btw, I tried changing the bootloader to UART 1(3289PB only) but the result was still the same
Is it also marked as a PB
The picture is actually of the new one, but the old one is also PB if i remember correctly
Well since you have no problem with the UNO and you tried it with he minicore, my guess would be that the boards are no good.
There have been other people on the forum using he PB chip that have also had problems.
Both the Nano boards? My luck cant be that bad, it has to be something else
This often ends up actually being a matter of the AVRDUDE uploader tool that is used under the hood by Arduino IDE to upload to these boards going through an interminable number of pointless retries after the first one fails. In that case, it is useful to enable the verbose output from the tool so we can actually get some feedback about what it happening.
I'm going to ask you to post the full verbose output from an upload.
This procedure is not intended to solve the problem. The purpose is to gather more information.
Please do this:
- Select File > Preferences... from the Arduino IDE menus.
The "Preferences" dialog will open. - Uncheck the box next to Show verbose output during:
compilation in the "Preferences" dialog. - Check the box next to Show verbose output during: ☐ upload.
- Click the OK button.
- Attempt an upload, as you did before.
- Wait for the upload to to hang.
- Right click on the black "Output" panel at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window.
- From the context menu, click Copy All.
- Open a forum reply here by clicking the Reply button.
- Click the
icon on the post composer toolbar.
This will add the forum's code block markup (```
) to your reply to make sure the error messages are correctly formatted.
- Press Ctrl+V.
This will paste the compilation output into the code block. - Move the cursor outside of the code tags before you add any additional text to your reply.
- Click the Reply button to post the output.
im getting this whie using minicoree variant Atmega328PB
avrdude: Version 7.1-arduino.1
Copyright the AVRDUDE authors;
see https://github.com/avrdudes/avrdude/blob/main/AUTHORS
System wide configuration file is C:\Users\Devvrat Bani\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\MiniCore\hardware\avr\2.2.2\avrdude.conf
Using Port : COM4
Using Programmer : arduino
Overriding Baud Rate : 115200
Please provide the full verbose output by carefully and faithfully following the instructions I provided in my previous reply. If you have any questions or problems while following those instructions, just let me know and I'll help you out.
UPDATE:- i was able to solve the issue by changing the "programmer" to "Arduino as ISP (ATmega32U4)" and keeping the bootloader as old bootloader. i didnt have to use the minicore library as well, for some reason the issue was with the programmer, if someone has an explaination for this, do comment otherwise, PROBLEM SOLVED
What is the USB to serial converter IC of this nano board? I have seen many arduino nanos having FT232 IC. They need the FTDI driver installed in the computer.
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