Arduino nano issue POW and TX lights

Hello, I hope this is the right forum to request this help. I have a nano (think is a compatible not a true arduino, Im not sure). I was following a schematic from a patreon and people have said it was badly laid out and may have bricked my nano. The POW and TX lights are on solid when I plug it into my PC and I can't upload to the board. would anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance

Do you have anything coming out on the serial monitor. Try several baud rates. I think you will find data coming out not stopping. If so you have a serial flood. Let us know we will see if we can help you resolve it.

Well luck people, they got to see your code and circuit so they could pass an opinion. On the other hand all we get is what other people said. So we could agree with them or disagree with them. I'll go and get a coin. In the meantime you may want to read this before you proceed:-
how to get the best out of this forum

I haven't posted the code or schematic as it isn't mine to post. I paid the creator on patreon for the use of it, not to give it to everyone else for free.

But if it is as crap as you say, then he is guilty of peddling faulty goods.
So your two choices are "publish and be dammed" Duke of Wellington, or take it up with him. I can't see any way we can be of help here.

I am not sure what other answer you expected to this question?

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