Arduino Nano Not Working With Qtr8a

Hello, I'm doing line follower robot with qtr8a. I have developed shield for this. I'm developing new shield for this. Everything is same. Just some pins connected another pins. But arduino is not working, blocking itself like photo. While everything is same with old shield, not work. But old shield is working. There are no short circuit. I'm working for this problem for two days. Help

What stuff is that? Link to the datasheet if You don't want to wait for a unique helper.

Which Arduino? Schematics please.

Then You have missed something.

So that is Your capacity. Sad You're not ready for more work.
As professional it more than once took weeks reading documentation and code, and solve the issue.

What is the picture supposed to tell?

This schematics

Remark nr 1: connect GND from the battery to the boards direcly, not passing another board.

How does the Nano get its 5 volt? As I know the 293 5 volt pin is supposed to receive 5 volt there. No giving out 5 volt.

No sensors, no I/O device in the schematics..

Nano get its 5 volt from lm7805. And this problem continue without sensors. And this schematic is same old shield.

Time to figure out You have made different the.


How is the 7805 supplied? Any heatsink?

You have OUTPUT2 connected to Ground?!?

No, Output 2 is connected only motor.

Update the schematics to show what You use and nothing else.

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