Hello! I’m new to using Arduino - Nano, to be exact. I want to build a door lock system with it.
At first, when I plugged in the Arduino Nano to the computer, the power LED would blink three times and then stop blinking. I tried uploading the code but, it would say that it can’t locate the port.
So, I moved to a new computer because I think it was because of the computer. However, when I plugged it in to the other computer, the power LED would blink rapidly. What do you think is the problem? I have a feeling that the board is already faulty. Would greatly appreciate your help.
Are you sure it is the Power LED? That LED usually is lit the whole time, it just show if the Nano is on/off. If you like you can upload a picture or maybe a clip for us to see.
First, Check that it is detecting port or not.
if it is detecting the port, then select the board as Arduino Nano. if not then, Change the cable many times the cable may not work.
The power LED is connected to the power rail. So if the LED is blinking, that means the power is oscillating too. Which means the Nano is drawing LOTS of current. If there's nothing else connected to the Nano, then there's something wrong with it - a short somewhere. Probably best not to stress your computer's USB by attempting to use it further.