I am looking to power an Arduino Nano, 5 servos, and 10 5.0 LED lights all from one battery. I have listed the specs below for each part. I am having trouble minimizing weight and I was wondering if there's a possibility for me to power everything from a single power source rather than powering the Arduino and LEDs through one, while the servos are being powered through another. I feel like I could power everything through a single 7.2 V lithium battery. If I can, what would I need to add to make sure nothing breaks from the voltage being too high?
Arduino Nano ESP32 with headers
Servos: Five 2.5g servos operating voltage 4.8-6V
LEDs: 5mm 1.8-3.2 V (color dependent)
I also want to include a SunFounder MPU6050 Module for gyroscope purposes, as I am building a plane and need the electronics to be very very light.
most important - what current? If they give charts, look at the current spec for 5.0 volts.
If you have one, provide a link to a product on a website, such as Amazon. Remember to strip your personalization off the end of the Amazon link. Usually, the link still works if you remove everything after the '?'.
Of note:
Locked-rotor Current:
And, the comment about 6V absolute max.
I'd plan on using the battery you mentioned, but use a buck converter to drop the voltage to 5.0V. Sum all your worst case currents, unless you can guarantee some motors are not in locked-rotor state at all times. I'm thinking you might get away with a single buck converter, but don't buy the cheapest - buy one with better current capabilities than the dollar-apiece ones Amazon hawks. The cheapest ones are rated for 3A, but self-destruct somewhere between 2 and 3 amps, in my experience, and get uncomfortably warm even at 2A.
I'm no pro at this, so someone will likely come along and correct much of what I've said. consider it 'free advice', and weight it appropriately.
The servos will work continuously for a maximum of about 1 minute before they will no longer be needed, which will have been after the plane landed itself.
So, the Nano you linked to is a Nano ESP32, much different animal.
I/O Voltage: 3.3 V
Input voltage (nominal): 5-18 V
Source Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
Sink Current per I/O Pin: 28 mA
Stated elsewhere, VIN range is 6-21 V ; my guess is, the "5V" above relates only to powering the Nano from the USB port; in that case, you could, I think, use the USB as a power-only 5V injection point, but that is SPECULATION on my part
The 6050 module you linked to says working voltage 3.3-5, although the IC itself is 3.3V. My guess is, you're okay.
Your Servos are your critical device, due to the 6V maximum and the high current drain, even though it's only a short flight.
What is it doing, other than what you've stated? Thing is, a simple Nano clone ($5, here in Canada) may be all you require, but I thought you already had this one in hand.
That Nano-ESP32 is a high-horsepower device, but it will be more generally useful down the road, presuming this isn't a build-it-and-walk-away project.
The nano will need to read the gyroscope and adjust the servos to make sure the plane is both level and coming to a landing. I can take care of the coding to make sure it's reading everything properly, but powering everything from a single source is giving me a little bit of trouble
The servos you chose are " micro servo with 360 degree continuous rotation". It means that the signal you send them doesn't induce a position but a rotation speed. It's unusual for controlling a plane. Is it really what you want ?