Arduino nano thermal camera setup on drone

Hello all,
I'm sorta new but am somewhat familiar with Arduino.
I am in need of advice, I recently came across a post from someone who used a Arduino and some sensors to create a thermal imagery. I did my research and found the Arduino nano and a Arduino sized camera that produces thermal images.
My question is I know that I can connect the camera board to the nano but I am trying to figure out how to provide power to it if I install it on a drone as most batteries connect to a battery etc. The battery is a 12 v battery supply
Does anyone have ideas on how to do this?

Here's the link to the camera

Please post a link to the camera module.

I just added the link to the description

There are plenty of tutorials on using the MLX90640 with Arduino, posted on line. Your favorite search engine will find them. Here is one place to start: Arduino Thermal Camera | Adafruit MLX90640 IR Thermal Camera | Adafruit Learning System

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