I'm working on a Arduino Nano to control a 12v relay for power i wanted this keeps on for 8 min after the powers turns off and restart the cycle every time if receives the power back on if some body can help me with what code i can use for it from library
I get it.
Split the project in 2 parts.
Number one, doing things at certain time. Example can be "Blink without delay" found in the Arduino collection, maybe even in the IDE.
Number two, controlling a relay.
2 possibilities.
Number 1. Buy a relay module that's rated for the current and voltage it will handle.
Number 2. Use a logic level N channel MOSFET to handle a conventional relay.
i was thinking on something more simple example:
connect a 12v power converter to 5v to turn on the Nano so then give a signal to activated the 12v relay to activated the device so when i cut the 5v the relay keeps open sending the 12v for 8 min after those 8 min the relays cut the power and re start the cycle