Hey guys,
i want the nano to connect to my pc, but when i plug it in it's not seeing it properly.
So i tried like allot of ways to get it fixed but without succes :(.
Can someone maybe help me with this? i am running windows 10.
Hey guys,
i want the nano to connect to my pc, but when i plug it in it's not seeing it properly.
So i tried like allot of ways to get it fixed but without succes :(.
Can someone maybe help me with this? i am running windows 10.
Sounds like you need the proper drivers.
What USB-to-UART bridge IC does it use?
I realy do not know.
I made it a USB Serial convertor now with the ! still on it.
In videos i see peopel make it a serial port, but it's not showing up here at my pc.
How to fix this?
This is what i see now, i did check in device mananger: Show hidden devices.
How to fix this now, is something wrond with the arduino or my self broken or?
Can you post a closeup photo of the USB-to-uart IC on the Nano?
Is it a genuine Arduino?
Where did you get it from?
i also am having same problem
serial port grayed out and i am also using windows 10.
I think it is windows problem and new drivers are needed
I'd suspect the drivers as well chances are the drivers you have are not compatible with Win10.
On a side note, why someone would upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is something that makes absolutely no sense to me.
Seems like you may have a silicon labs CP 210X chip on your nano. Have you tried to read the exact marking on that chip? Is it 2101? It's the chip on the under side of your nano. You may be using a chip that the manufacturer has stopped supporting i.e. no more drivers for it. It's the result of fake CP210X chips in the market.
The serial interface may be different than you have setup in your IDE.
There are a couple different serial interfaces, FT232r, or CH340G.
Can you see on the chip which one you have? (under side of the nano).
I have the same problem. The mini is not detected on USB, hence a´m not getting a port. It must be a lack of driver. The serial interface is CH340G. Can somebuddy help?
It must be a lack of driver. The serial interface is CH340G. Can somebuddy help?
How about downloading and installing the driver for the CH340G?
I recentely brought a NANO. Connect it to one PC. A lot of errors. Try, changed the port, reconnect, reboot. No chance.
I connect the same NANO to another PC. Same win7, same general configuration. Work flawlesley.
The difference I remember between the 2 computers: the first one seems to emit some sor of radiation, because I had problems with my smartphone charging to the same USB same computer.
Both phone and nano were laid on the top on the case of the computer.
My guess (not demonstrated!): some PCs are not preprely grounded/shielded.
Practical suggestion: try another PC. It may work. Or not.
Maybe the computer case is not insulating enough and shorts the arduino circuit? I would not want to lay my phone over a metal surface. It's only going to make my phone boost its transmitting power if nothing else.