Arduino nano v3 pinout confusion
I am using this diagram as reference nano.png
int ledMedGreen = 10;
int ledMedGreen1 = 11;
void setup() {
//dow Sunday,= 1
pinMode(ledMedGreen, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledMedGreen1, OUTPUT);
IN loop section i have
digitalWrite(ledMedGreen, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledMedGreen1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledMedGreen, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledMedGreen1, LOW);
My question is the identification for the physical pin connection
int ledMedGreen = 10;
int ledMedGreen1 = 11;
When looking at the pinout diagram is is unclear why there are numbers in magenta has it is not defined in the legend.
I got my project working and found the physical pint for ledMedGreen = 10 and ledMedGreen1 =11
Am I correct in saying that only physical pins in magenta can be set via pinmode ?