arduino nano v3 pinout identification for pinMode

Arduino nano v3 pinout confusion

I am using this diagram as reference nano.png

int ledMedGreen = 10; 
int ledMedGreen1 = 11; 

void setup() {
  //dow Sunday,= 1
  pinMode(ledMedGreen, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledMedGreen1, OUTPUT);

IN loop section i have

 digitalWrite(ledMedGreen, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledMedGreen1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(ledMedGreen, LOW);
    digitalWrite(ledMedGreen1, LOW);

My question is the identification for the physical pin connection

int ledMedGreen = 10; 
int ledMedGreen1 = 11;

When looking at the pinout diagram is is unclear why there are numbers in magenta has it is not defined in the legend.

I got my project working and found the physical pint for ledMedGreen = 10 and ledMedGreen1 =11

Am I correct in saying that only physical pins in magenta can be set via pinmode ?

When looking at the pinout diagram is is unclear why there are numbers in magenta has it is not defined in the legend.

I agree that's unnecessarily confusing. Other than that the pighixxx diagrams are great but that's always bothered me.

Am I correct in saying that only physical pins in magenta can be set via pinmode ?

First of all, calling them "physical pins" is wrong. The term "physical pin" refers to the actual pin numbering on the IC (gray in the diagram), which is completely different from the Arduino pin numbering in magenta. You can use the teal An numbers too if you like but keep in mind that A6 and A7 can only be used as
analog inputs.