Arduino Nano with Drive Control for tracked Vehicl

Hi all,
my first posting on this board and of course it's because i have a problem :slight_smile:
While i'm not new to electronics in general this is basicaly the first time i'm doing something with a microcontroller and so far i had a lot of success and fun with simple stuff like LEDs and servos. However, connecting a drive control instead of a servo to the Nano has me stumped.
I expected the DC to basicaly behave like a servo, 0 full speed in one direction, 90 stop, 180 full speed in the other direction.
So far i have no success at all in matching the reactions of the drive control to the input i give it via the servo library, so i expect i'm overlooking something basic here. I tested the DC with a normal remote control and it works fine there. Also i tested my setup with servos instead of the DC and they do work fine as well.
Any ideas?

a drive control



Help us to help you.

Sorry, should have thought of that in the first place.
Here is everything i have regarding documentation

Since the controler has an auto neutral position detection i try to set the controler to 90 during setup, with a delay that allows me to connect power to the controler while the Arduino is already running.


OK, you remembered to connect the grounds?

Can you post your sketch, and a quick description of your observations of how it behaved, and how that differs from what you expected?

There isn't much of a sketch since i directly connected the signal pins to D3 and D5 and of course connected both servo connectors to common ground with the Nano. I left out +5V since the controler does not need it and i expected only problems.
The observations are hard to describe since the behaviour is not realy repeatable. I get everything from simply full speed to intermittend start/stop, slow speed increase without changing the program a bit.
I started out with a program that fed increasing values to the two defined servos, but after i encountered the irregular behaviour i went for something absolutely simple and just fed static values (expecting simply constant speed movement), with no apparent effect. Thats why i think i might have missed something basic.

Mystery partly solved. As soon as i give the controler values lower than 70 and higher than 120 it stops working coherently.
Since i can reach topspeed within those values and i don't need much precision it will work for me, but i still wonder what is realy causing this.
Thanks for trying to help AWOL :slight_smile:


PS: Above or below these values the controler seems to reset itself and thereby adjusting itself to a new neutral value.