Hey guys, and this is my first post Currently, I am a high school student and one of my friends introduced me to the arduino website. Neither of us own one, but we both have a big interest in circuitry and would like to conduct some simple projects as a I guess "Learning" build.
Anyways, I would like to develop a simple 4x4 LED matrix that I can just display some "images" (More like extremely small animations) on using an arduino and 16 LED's. Yes, I could just buy a pre-built LED board, but I would like the actual experience of learning how it works.
So, here's some of my questions:
I know that I could simply use Arduinos (Or probably) inputs/outputs to light each individual LED, but I know there are less than I think 14 ports that could do this (Correct me if I'm wrong), and the wiring would be a pain in the @$$. I have read the "How-Tos" of some other peoples LED matrices, but I do not understand how I can use "Multiplexing" to possibly power all 16 w/ say only 2 input/outputs on the arduino. Any help there?
Also, could someone direct me to a good starter kit (US), with say some transistors/resistors and a breadboard and such? Thanks
Thanks, and anything helps! I am totally new to the whole concept but I am looking forward to learning more about this!