Arduino not Detected by the Computer

I tried to connect my Arduino to the computer, and it was not detected. Some points to note:

  1. It was not a Chinese copy, it was a genuine Arduino Uno.
  2. It had been uploaded to before multiple times, and still runs last uploaded code perfectly.
  3. Before it stopped working, it displayed the device was taking in more power than the port could provide.
  4. I checked device manager, Coms and LPT is not showing up. No port is showing up in the IDE.

Disconnect all external hardware from the Arduino and try again.

Please describe your project that caused it to fail. A wiring diagram (photo of hand-drawn is OK) including all power connections will be useful.

With a genuine Arduino Uno, you can run the loopback test and report the results here. Run without anything connected (as mentioned above) except for what is in the instructions.

If device manager does not show the Comms and LPT section at all, I would be very worried. To my knowledge the section will always be there (but I might be mistaken). If the board does not show in device manager, it will also not show in the IDE :wink:

Could it be that Windows hide it when there are no ports available?

Posting an annotated schematic showing all connections, power, ground, and power sources. Links to the hardware items also helps.

Connect another Arduino to the port and see if it shows up. If not reboot your computer and try again. Same results try another port, if that is successful you damaged the first port. If you get it that far disconnect the major hardware such as steppers, solenoids, and other current hungry devices from your project. Try that, it should work, if not the board probably has failed. Connecting unsuppressed inductive devices to an arduino can backfeed into the USB port and damage your computer.

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