Arduino Not Doing Anything

I have read through a lot or previous examples but haven't found one quite like mine. My Arduino Uno was working fine a few weeks ago than I plugged it back in and all that happens is that the cord gets really hot and then the green LED does not turn on nor does it ever pop up as anything has plugged in to the USB.

Any help? I have tried two different Arduinos, could the cord be fried?


Is it sitting on something metallic? Is there a paper clip under it?

Otherwise try another cord - most people would have spare USB cables lying around.

No it is sitting on a plastic base. I suppose it may be the cord but is there anything specific that could have killed it? It is basically brand new.

Apart from the USB, is anything plugged into it at all? Sounds like something is shorted.

I have tried two different Arduinos, ...

Suddenly two Arduinos stop working? Very strange indeed.

I just have the computer power plugged in but I tried it on another computer as well. I guess I'll just go get another cord tomorrow. Thanks for the help though!