Can any one explain to me why two arduino devices arnt reckonised on 3 different computers.
The arduinos are Duemilnova
Machines are Xp and Vista
sometimes the machines picks them up.
I really think it has to be the usb cable as oneof the devices is completly new!!!
The cable looks fine.
its very up setting
Av even been trying another operation system to get them working again normally
Lets be brutally honest here, you're not a very happy panda at all are you ?
I'd say the obvious next step is to try a new/different USB cable if you're using the only one you have.
I doubt the mods/admins of this board will be very happy about you starting new treads all over the place.
yeah sorry about them
av had it for 4 months then bam nothing want to work anymore
Rushed out and got a decent usb cable it works awesomely! (recommend)
Wierd still I did continuity tests on my old cable and that seemed okay!
Thanks to anyone av pestered!
and works on ubuntu!
Glad to hear it. One thing I've learnt in my years, DC continuity doesn't necessarily mean it will work in service.