Arduino not responding to visual micro serial communication

Guys please help !

I have connected my arduino uno to COM5 and I've checked it... When I uploaded the blink led example to arduino it works perfectly. But when I use Atmel studio 6.2 sp2 or visual studio 2012 ultimate with visual micro(15 may released) there is no error in compiling and everything works fine but the led on the arduino(pin 13) do not blink it is lighted up constantly...
I used Serial.println command before delay... but no response from arduino to vs 2012 or atmel studio.
BUT it works vey well with the default arduino IDE.

I've used the correct version of visual micro(15 may release) and arduino IDE version 1.6.3

Please help...... !!!!

Switch the tool bar from Debug to Release and then upload again. Debug mode will wait at breakpoints and do other things you might not have been expecting.