My code seems to turn on the correct light according to my other wireless modules, but after around 30 seconds the Touch L+R lights no longer turn on. I'm using the millis() function to process their timing and I included a debug light to turn on after 30 seconds. Resetting the arduino after 30 seconds makes it work properly again for another 30 seconds, but I cant keep resetting it during use.
I know the code has octal in it, but that is what the nrf module uses so removing it isn't really an option
#include "nRF24L01.h" // NRF24L01 library created by TMRh20
#include "RF24.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#define TouchLeft 4
#define BellLeft 5
#define BellRight 6
#define TouchRight 7
#define debug 3
int LTimer;
int RTimer;
int ReceivedMessage[1] = {000}; // Used to store value received by the NRF24L01
RF24 radio(9, 10); // NRF24L01 SPI pins. Pin 9 and 10 on the Nano
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE6E6E6E6E6E6; // Needs to be the same for communicating between 2 NRF24L01
void setup(void)
radio.begin(); // Start the NRF24L01
radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipe); // Get NRF24L01 ready to receive
radio.startListening(); // Listen to see if information received
pinMode(TouchRight, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BellRight, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BellLeft, OUTPUT);
pinMode(TouchLeft, OUTPUT);
pinMode(debug, OUTPUT);
LTimer = 0;
RTimer = 0;
void loop(void)
while (radio.available())
{, 1); // Read information from the NRF24L01
if (ReceivedMessage[0] == 110) // Indicates switch is pressed
digitalWrite(BellLeft, HIGH);
else if (ReceivedMessage[0] == 111)
else if (ReceivedMessage[0] == 100) // Indicates switch is pressed
digitalWrite(BellRight, HIGH);
else if (ReceivedMessage[0] == 011)
digitalWrite(TouchLeft, LOW);
digitalWrite(BellLeft, LOW);
digitalWrite(BellRight, LOW);
digitalWrite(TouchRight, LOW);
if (millis() - LTimer < 1500)
digitalWrite(TouchLeft, HIGH);
LTimer = 0;
if (millis() - RTimer < 1500)
digitalWrite(TouchRight, HIGH);
RTimer = 0;
if (millis() > 30000)
digitalWrite(debug, HIGH);
void TouchR()
if (millis() - LTimer <= 40)
RTimer = millis();
LTimer = millis();
else if (RTimer > 0)
RTimer = millis();
RTimer = millis();
void TouchL()
if (millis() - RTimer <= 40)
RTimer = millis();
LTimer = millis();
else if (LTimer > 0)
LTimer = millis();
LTimer = millis();
Any help would be much appreciated