Arduino + NPN + Camera = ?

I have a camera that has a 2,5mm jack as a remote trigger.
When you short either of the two cables with the shield the camera either focuses, or takes a photo.

Now i was wondering if i could take a NPN Transistor like the 2N3904
and wire the fire lead and the ground to the collector and emitor of the transistor, to then wire the base to one of the digital outputs of the arduino.

Is this possible or am i missinterpereting how the transistor works.
Im also open to suggestion on how to solve this in a different way


You will also need to wire the emitter of the transistor to the arduino's ground.
That might work but a transistor is not a simple switch. If the transistor fails to work then a FET is much closer to what you actually want.

If you do use a transistor (and what you suggested looks like it might work) you will need a resistor between the digital output and the transistor base. I recommend at least 250 ohms.

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