Hello everyone,
I'm fairly new to Arduino but have made a few projects, so not completely fresh. I'll start with what I hope to achieve with this build. I want to build an information system for my car with custom animations using Arduino Uno and a TFT sheild, (water temp, voltage, speedometer, oil pressure, etc). Now I know it can be done, or at least I'm pretty sure, what gives me this certainty? The whole dash is electronic, and the speedo doesn't work, now, I know, "Hey, just fix what you got" unfortunately, the car is a 92 so most indicators are only "dummy lights" I can change alot of the "dummy light" sensors out to digital read outs for more precise measurements but that means a lot of gauges in the car. I'd like to compile all that info into a single screen with little animations, errr more like "modes" with different animations. A button press to change which sensor is displayed on a TFT display. Pining the cars digital outputs wont be hard and I can map those easily, problem is I dont know how to approach is feeding them to the Uno and displaying it to the TFT display. Any help or even advice on if it's a dumb idea would be great.
my TFT display is
mcufriend 2.8 tft (I dont expect or want the touch function to work)