HELLO im sure you have heard this like 1m times b4 but if you program an arduino and remove it from the board and place it on another board with just a powerupply and crystal will it still work as if its on the board just minus the programming?
thanks i am still designing weather to ge the ardunio or an avr programming kit
[edit] also can you just add another avr to the board and have it wright to it, or do you need a bootloader or what
I'm not sure I understood all of what you said, but yes, you can program the ATmega168 on the Arduino, remove it, and put it on another board that has a crystal, and caps.
I'm not sure I understood all of what you said, but yes, you can program the ATmega168 on the Arduino, remove it, and put it on another board that has a crystal, and caps.
thank you but can i just stick another atmega168 in its place? so do i need to buy one with a bootloader or something
Yes, you can replace the ATMega168 with another that you buy.
It's much easier if you buy one with a bootloader already burnt on it.
Google around - there are several sources for these.
Yes, you can replace the ATMega168 with another that you buy.
It's much easier if you buy one with a bootloader already burnt on it.
Google around - there are several sources for these.
Yes, you can replace the ATMega168 with another that you buy.
It's much easier if you buy one with a bootloader already burnt on it.
Google around - there are several sources for these.
Off hand, you can buy them from the following places:
AdaFruit / LadyAda
Fundamental Logic (me)
NKC Electronics
There may be others, google around, but those come to mind.