Arduino Official Wifi Shield : "Not present"


I'm using Arduino for a school project. I have to use the Arduino to switch on and off some objects in a House (suche as lights, etc) from a smartphone or a tablet via the wifi.
I just bought the official Arduino Wifi Shield to control my Arduino through the network.

To Check if the Shield was working, i uploaded in some examples from the Arduino programming tool 1.0.3
But, all wifi exemples were telling me in the Serial Monitor : "Wifi Shield not Present".
And the Shield was correctly pluged in...
I'm able to Blink the L9 led of the Shield, so it may work...

I try to bypass the Shield presence check in the exemples programm, but it was still block to the next step of the programm, so not working at all...

I also updated the Shield with the last Firmware but the error is still present.

I read from the comments of the Arduino official page that this problem can be solve with a jumper with a wire between pin 7 and 3, but still don't work with this.

I have to present my work at the end of the week, and i'm still blocked in the first steps because of a small technical problem...
I hope someone here know how to fix this !

Thanks for reading.

I'm having the same problem. My configuration is the Arduino Wireless Shield with the XBee module inserted. I can't run the simple ConnectWithWPA without getting the message "Wifi Shield Not Present".

I don't suppose you figured out the problem did you?

I don't think you are using the Arduino WiFi Shield, no XBee module plugs into it. The WiFi Shield costs about $100, does it say Arduino WIFI SHIELD in the lower left hand corner? What Arduino are you using with it?

I'm sure i'm using the Arduino Wifi Shield. Just bought from this page : ""

My arduino board is an Arduino Uno (Not the Uno R3).

And the Wifi Shield has the mention "Wifi Shield" in the lower left hand corner.

Do you have a SD card in the shield's slot?
Are all the shield pins (especially the ICSP pins) engaged completely into the Uno?

Yes, The wifi shield have a SD card slot but i didn' t put a card in

And when I plug it into my Uno, all pins are plugged, there ICSP one are plugged, but I noticed that the base of the Pin is still visible, so it's mean the pin don't enter complety in its socket, but i cannot push it in more.

There are also 4 pins of the Shield I cannot plug because there are not enough socket on my Uno. So 2 pins at the top of the Digital Pins serie (just after the pin called Area) and 2pins at the top of the Power Pins serie (just after the pin called reset). I was thinking these pins aren't made to be plug in the Uno (because the Uno hasn't enough Pins sockets), but in another card. Maybe i'm not right with this...

Take a look at this page.,146315.0.html
If you are not using the UNO R3 version, you'll need to jumper the SDA and SCL pins from the WiFi Shield to the UNO. The pin nearest the AREA on the Shield is the SDA, jumper it to A4 on the UNO. The farthest pin (SCL) will need to be jumpered to A5 on your UNO.

Does the jumper need to be directly on the Uno, or can it be plugged in the pin of the Shield and then plug the shield in the Uno ?

I'm asking you because I've not my Arduino today, i'll try this tomorrow.

However you can get them connected should be fine.

I have just connected the SDA to the Analog A4, and the SCL to the A5. But it hasn't worked.

Also tryied with a jumper between the Digital pin 7 and 3, same result.


Is there any solution ??? I have the same problem...

Read ALL of the above posts. You will notice that there were at least two (2) separate scenarios. Which "Official WiFi" Shield are you using? Which Arduino board are you using? What versions of board, shield, and IDE are you using?

Ive readed all topics. Tryied to connect pins 7 & 3. SDA to A4, SCL to A5... I have Arduino Uno R2 + Arduino wifi shield( Iam trying to use following scetch:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFi.h>

void setup() {

digitalWrite(4,HIGH); // ????????? SD
digitalWrite(10,LOW);// ???????? Wifi

// initialize serial and wait for the port to open:
while(!Serial) ;

// attempt to connect using WEP encryption:
Serial.println("Initializing Wifi...");

// scan for existing networks:
Serial.println("Scanning available networks...");

byte encryption = WiFi.encryptionType(8);
Serial.print("Encryption Type:");

void loop() {
// scan for existing networks:
Serial.println("Scanning available networks...");

void printMacAddress() {
// the MAC address of your Wifi shield
byte mac[6];

// print your MAC address:
Serial.print("MAC: ");
Serial.print(mac[5]=0xDE ,HEX);

void listNetworks() {
// scan for nearby networks:
Serial.println("** Scan Networks **");
byte numSsid = WiFi.scanNetworks();

// print the list of networks seen:
Serial.print("number of available networks:");

// print the network number and name for each network found:
for (int thisNet = 0; thisNet<numSsid; thisNet++) {
Serial.print(") ");
Serial.print("\tSignal: ");
Serial.print(" dBm");
Serial.print("\tEncryption: ");

Serial writes:
Initializing Wifi...
Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
number of available networks:0
Encryption Type:0


Try this sketch..

#include <WiFi.h>

char ssid[] = "Enter your SSID"; // your network SSID (name)

int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS; // the Wifi radio's status

void setup() {
//Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
// check for the presence of the shield:
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
// don't continue:

// attempt to connect to Wifi network:
while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
status = WiFi.begin(ssid);

// wait 10 seconds for connection:

// once you are connected :
Serial.print("You're connected to the network");

void loop() {
// check the network connection once every 10 seconds:

void printWifiData() {
// print your WiFi shield's IP address:
IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
Serial.print("IP Address: ");


void printCurrentNet() {
// print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
Serial.print("SSID: ");

You won't connect to a network, but the red 'error' light should come on. When you open up the serial monitor, "Enter your SSID" should print every 10 seconds. The "WiFi shield not present" should not print. Are you using WEP, WPA, or what?


I am in the same situation. I have 2 official wifi shields made by Arduino in Italy. I tried a few sample codes with both shields and two arduinos with Arduino IDE 1.5 and always get "WiFi shield not present".

What's the reason of connecting the I2C bus? The wifi shield is not using it!

Any solutions?


Ive tryied your scetch. No red "error" blinking & serial writes: wifi shield not present. Iam using WPA2 personal

Mb firmware was not so successful as i think? i`ve tryied following setup: not_found

It looks like "liudr" has found the answer......

It seems like the stock library the came with my Arduino IDE 1.5 R2 is not working. I downloaded the latest library from github and installed it in Arduino IDE 1.0, which doesn't come with a stock wifi library. After that it simply works. I guess I will need to replace the stock wifi library in 1.5 R2 with this download then. I didn't need any jumpers I read about, which I thought had not reasons.

It looks like "liudr" has found the answer......

It seems like the stock library the came with my Arduino IDE 1.5 R2 is not working. I downloaded the latest library from github and installed it in Arduino IDE 1.0, which doesn't come with a stock wifi library. After that it simply works. I guess I will need to replace the stock wifi library in 1.5 R2 with this download then. I didn't need any jumpers I read about, which I thought had not reasons.

Ghm.. May be. But i have found another solution. I`ve bring wifi shield to the official dealer & after 15 minuts cheking they states that wifi shield is defect and they will change for new one.

Yep, in my case, downloading the wifi library fixed the problem.

Nice job!