Arduino Opta as Modbus Slave, Movicon SCADA HMI Master

Hi all,

I would like to set up the following:

  • Opta as a Modbus slave, either over RS485 or TCP/IP (ethernet).
  • Movicon.NExT (SCADA HMI) program on laptop as Modbus master to control Opta relays, display Opta inputs on screen.

Movicon can handle both Modbus Serial and TCP/IP protocol, only requiring a Host Name (IP address) for TCP/IP, and Port Number/Baud Rate/Data Bits/Parity for Serial.

Modbus TCP/IP:

  • Do I need to configure a static IP address in the Sketch editor?
  • Due to company regulations, once I connect the Ethernet cable between Opta and Laptop, the wifi shuts off. I can check the IP address of the ethernet network between the Opta and laptop once they are connected using ipconfig. In PLC IDE > Set Up Communication > ModbusTCP, do I use the IP address from ipconfig?
  • How about in Movicon? What IP address do I use?
  • Do I need to do any additional prep in PLC IDE?

Modbus Serial via RS485:

Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if you need any additional details.