Arduino Physical Specifications

Hi all and a happy new year to you all from "Down Under"!.

Can someone point me to documentation that gives me the physical dimensions and locations of connectors, holes etc?

My concern is highlighted in particluar regarding the pin 7 8 spacing. I have downloaded Ladyada's Protoshield and found this dimension to be 155mil rather than 160mil.

This leads me to wonder what other physical aspects I should watch out for.


Dale :slight_smile:

You can download all the PCB files from the net. It depends on what type of arduino you want to see, start looking here:-

thanks, I have already been there.

So I guess you are saying the reference designs are the ones to follow.

Would be nice to have it all spec'd out seperately though. Maybe I will take that on board myself and publish later.



reference designs are the ones to follow.

If you want to make it compatible with other stuff then yes. Otherwise you are free to generate any physical specification you want.

Can someone point me to documentation that gives me the physical dimensions and locations of connectors, holes etc?

Welcome to "open source", where you're expected to look at the source code (EAGLE CAD files in this case) rather than rely on secondary generated documentation like dimensioned drawings. Hmm.

My concern is highlighted in particluar regarding the pin 7 8 spacing. I have downloaded Ladyada's Protoshield and found this dimension to be 155mil rather than 160mil.

Using the duemilanove reference design, I get a 2100x2700 mil bounding box with holes at (600, 2000), (2600, 1400), and (2600, 300), and the connectors at (1290, 2000), (2150, 2000), (2250, 100), and (1550, 100) (ISP connector at "about" (2555.5, 1098); ouch!)
Note that the holes of the shield connector pads are 40mils diameter, so it's pretty likely that one could place connectors 5mils in error and no one would notice without referring to the CAD files!)

Yes I know I seem pedantic but these little err's can cause misunderstandings down the track...still like you say, it's only 5mils.

Too curious for my own good :wink:
