Arduino PID implementation gone wrong!

I have a program something like the following code. But, DirInput is 1 tenth gyro_ext.getAngleZ()!

Did I set DirInput to zero? NO
Am I confusing pointers? Yes
Do I have two DirInput?

#include <PID_v1.h>
double DirInput;
double DirOutput;
double DirSetpoint;
PID2 DirectionPID (&DirInput, &DirOutput, &DirSetpoint, 10000.0, 10000.0, 2.0, DIRECT);

Void setup()
DirectionPID.SetOutputLimits(-255, 255);

Void loop()
double alpha = 0.1;
double DirInput = (1-alpha)*DirInput + alpha*gyro_ext.getAngleZ();

Ok, hold up. What is your project and what is actually going wrong???

Also, please post your "in-use" code.

900 lines does not show the problem. In the last post I saw that DirInput is defined twice with no error. That may give me two instances of the same name. One in the whole program (global) and one in Loop.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <MeMegaPi.h>
#include "MeEEPROM.h"
//#include <Wire.h>
//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <NintendoExtensionCtrl.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>
//#include "Plotter.h"

//#define DEBUG_INFO
//#define DEBUG_INFO
//#define DEBUG_INFO1
//#define DEBUG_INFO1
//#define DEBUG_INFO2
//#define DEBUG_INFO2
//#define DEBUG_CSV_Internal
//#define DEBUG_CSV_Internal
//#define DEBUG_CSV_InlOOP
#define DEBUG_CSV_InlOOP

MeGyro gyro_ext(0,0x68);           //external gryo sensor
MeStepperOnBoard steppers[4];
MeEncoderOnBoard Encoder_1(SLOT1);    
MeEncoderOnBoard Encoder_2(SLOT2); 

typedef struct MeModule
  int16_t device;
  int16_t port; 
  int16_t slot;
  int16_t pin;
  int16_t index;
  float values[3];
} MeModule;

MeModule modules[12];

int16_t len = 52;
int16_t servo_pins[12]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
//Just for MegaPi
int16_t moveSpeed = 180;
int16_t turnSpeed = 180;
int16_t minSpeed = 45;
int16_t factor = 23;
int16_t distance=0;
int16_t randnum = 0;                                                                               
int16_t LineFollowFlag=0;

#define BLUETOOTH_MODE                       0x00
#define DATA_SERIAL                            0
#define DATA_SERIAL1                           1
#define DATA_SERIAL2                           2
#define DATA_SERIAL3                           3

uint8_t command_index = 0;
uint8_t megapi_mode = BLUETOOTH_MODE;
uint8_t index = 0;
uint8_t dataLen;
uint8_t modulesLen=0;
uint8_t prevc=0;
uint8_t BluetoothSource = DATA_SERIAL;
uint8_t serialRead;
uint8_t buffer[52];
uint8_t bufferBt1[52];
uint8_t bufferBt2[52];
double  CompAngleY, CompAngleX, GyroXangle;
double  LastCompAngleY, LastCompAngleX, LastGyroXangle;
double  last_turn_setpoint_filter = 0.0;
double  last_speed_setpoint_filter = 0.0;
double  last_speed_error_filter = 0.0;
double  speed_Integral_average = 0.0;
double  angle_speed = 0.0;

float dt;

long lasttime_angle = 0;
long lasttime_speed = 0;
long update_sensor = 0;
long blink_time = 0;
long last_Pulse_pos_encoder1 = 0;
long last_Pulse_pos_encoder2 = 0;

boolean isStart = false;
boolean isAvailable = false;
boolean leftflag;
boolean rightflag;
boolean start_flag = false;
boolean move_flag = false;
boolean blink_flag = false;

String mVersion = "0e.01.016";
double Increment = 0;
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -1;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car  Moves forward
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -2;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   Moves forward faster
//float RELAX_ANGLE = 2;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   Moves forward
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -5;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   Moves forward
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -7;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   Moves forward slowly
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -8;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   Moves forward slowly
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -9;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -6;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   -6 is measured as correct, but performance needs more.  Why?
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -10;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   
//float RELAX_ANGLE = 10;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   
//float RELAX_ANGLE = 20;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -20;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   
//float RELAX_ANGLE = 20;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car  
//float RELAX_ANGLE = -6;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   
//float RELAX_ANGLE = 0.0;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   
float RELAX_ANGLE = 10.0;                    //Natural balance angle,should be adjustment according to your own car   

//#define PWM_MIN_OFFSET   0
//#define PWM_MIN_OFFSET                 25

float p_value = 10;
float i_value = 2;
float d_value = 3;
float relax_angle = 0;

typedef struct{
  double P, I, D;
  double Setpoint, Output, Integral,differential, last_error;
} PID;

PID  PID_angle, PID_speed, PID_turn;

boolean serialOne   = false;
boolean serialTwo   = false;
boolean serialThree = false;
int LoopCount = 1;

int Turn_Setpoint = 0;
double Turn_filter   = 0;
double Speed_filter =0; 
Nunchuk nchuk;

int Loop_num = 0;
double Previous_Program_time = millis();
double loop_time;

double Speed;  
double speed_now;
double Speed_error;
double Speed_TIntegral;
double Speed_TOutput;

double Angle_error;

double pwm_left  =  0;
double pwm_right =  0;

//Define Variables we'll be connecting to
double Setpoint, Input, Output;

//Specify the links and initial tuning parameters
//PID2 myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint,0.1,0.1,0.1, DIRECT);  //  Flat
//PID2 myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint,0.1,0.1,0.1, DIRECT);  
PID2 myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint,0.06,0.005,0.0, DIRECT);  
double DirInput;
double DirOutput;
double DirSetpoint;
PID2 DirectionPID (&DirInput, &DirOutput, &DirSetpoint, 10000.0, 10000.0, 2.0, DIRECT);
//Plotter p; // create plotter
double x; // global variables
int Loop_Time;

void PID_angle_compute();
void PID_speed_compute();
void balanced_model();
uint8_t readBuffer(int16_t index);
void readEEPROM();
void readSerial();
boolean read_serial();
void reset();
//double getAngleZ();

void DebugPrint(void){
  Serial.print  ("temp P:");
  Serial.print  (p_value);
  Serial.print  (", temp I:");
  Serial.print  (i_value);
  Serial.print  (", temp D:");
  Serial.print  (d_value);
  Serial.print  (", relax angle:");
  Serial.print  (relax_angle);
  Serial.print  (", megapi mode:");

void isr_process_encoder1(void){
  if(digitalRead(Encoder_1.getPortB()) == 0){

void isr_process_encoder2(void){
  if(digitalRead(Encoder_2.getPortB()) == 0){

void WriteBalancedDataToEEPROM(void){
  Serial.print  ("EEPROM_IF_HAVEPID_CHECK1 is: "); Serial.println(EEPROM_IF_HAVEPID_CHECK1);




  EEPROM.write(MEGAPI_MODE_CONFIGURE, megapi_mode);


I found it. DirInput is indeed defined twice. There are two of them. So I am past one step.

Now, the next step does not work. DirOutput is always zero. This I can not explain.

Does anyone have an idea?

My_Robot_101.cpp (29.1 KB)

What Arduino controller is this code for, and why not a .ini file.

Have you got code that just uses the PID in your application, that works, forget about code for the rest.

I hope you developed this code in stages and you have code where you have successfully ran the PID?

Tom... :slight_smile:

I am using what is refered to as the Arduino PID library. This post forces me to realize that I have read and studied the Arduino PID library, but have never implemented it to complition. The code was coped from that. But it was also deleted. (perhaps by a Ctrl-z) It seems that the defalt of the PID code is that it is turned off. So without the start line (deleted) of code it does not run. I put the start line back in so it runs now.