I am working on a home made pinball machine and I wanted to figure out how to make a scoring system to where if the ball hits one part of the machine to earn more to the score it would add 100 points to the digital display that comes with the arduino. If any one can help me please do so and there are about 10 buttons to add to the score.
I need help on my home made pinball point display coding and schematics. I'm a newby and need lots of help. All the display does is when a connection is completed by a ball hitting it, it will add one hundred points. For example: (hit you first bumper = 100) after you hit the bumper the display (that comes with the arduino uno) will say: 100 points. Then after you hit another bumper again it will say: 200 points. If you can help with tips or any thing, please do. Thanks have a good day.
Please do not cross-post.
What exactly do you want assistance with?
Is it how to detect bumps?
If so describe how the bumpers work and they are wired
Is it how to display numbers on the display?
If so post a link to the datasheet for the display
Is it how to add 100 to a value in a variable?
If you already have some code please post it so we can see what you can see?
I am also trying to do a digital scoring system, and I am just starting out in Arduino or coding in general. I need to know how to detect bumps, and how to display the numbers on the screen. I also need to know how to wire everything up to the mainboard. Also, could I have some advice on what hardware to use, as you are clearly more knowledgeable than me.