I am just wondering if i connect the arduino to my computer through usb/serial could i ping a domain or do i need an ethernet shield?
I am thinking of connecting the arduino to my webserver and have a led connected. the led will only light up when the domain/s are unavailable. The wife and kids have a habit of unplugging the plug that says "Do not Unplug" for other items the main culprit is the hover, hair straighteners & chargers. So im after a led connected to my computer that will shine when the server goes down or gets unplugged.
If you want the arduino to do it all, you'll need an ethernet shield. You could however have the arduino communicate via serial with a program on your computer in your language of choice which tells the arduino whether the server is available.
If you want the arduino to do it all, you'll need an ethernet shield. You could however have the arduino communicate via serial with a program on your computer in your language of choice which tells the arduino whether the server is available.
Thank you - had a quick search and found out that python can communicate through serial, sinced i have already worked with python grabbing information from websites this will be better now as i can put custom code on the website and send this to arduino to work with - Thank you