I use arduino nano and uno. so far all ports were working fine unit i inserted a board with FTDI. The FTDI not read and i dont know what happen later when i inserted uno or nano non of them were detecting. i tried to uninstall and reinstall android but with no luck. please help me
yes COM ports, when i connect arduino UNO to the system the port is not detected in arduino IDE. sorry it is not android it is arduino. previously both arduino uno and nano worked find and i used to detect them and uploaded codes sucessfully but not the boards arduino UNO or NANO are not being detected by arduino IDE
only thing i did before i connecting arduino uno is connecting FTDI FUAA312 board.
Why did you hijack this thread? -> pls open your own and explain in detail what exactly is your problem (do you have a clone, do you have an original Uno, how do you try to install what kind of driver etc. ?
How do you know that the FTDI chip is original?
The fact that the chip has "FTDI" written on the surface is no prove that it is an original.
Try to google for "FTDI bricked" and you will find a lot of information about that.
Some instructions how to unbrick the chip might work, but it's on your own risk.
Here is one of more than a dozen instructions:
As I am not affected by this issue I can't tell and advice you more than that.
Good luck.