Arduino Portenta H7 - MQTT using Crypto Chips(SE050, ATECC608) for SSL/TLS authentication


I am excited that I finally got my Arduino Portenta H7 and I am new to its functionalities. I would like to explore more on Portenta H7 crypto chips(SE050, ATECC608) :lock:

I am trying to connect my own local MQTT broker using certificate for SSL/TLS authentication. However, I could not find any example especially for Portenta H7.

I am trying to follow some examples for different Arduino MKR Board Family as listed below:

But, seem like ECCX08 library is not compatible with Portenta H7.

I would like to ask help Arduino Community whether anyone has worked with Portenta H7 and its crypto chips. Any advice or examples greatly appreciated :pray: Thanks

We have been successul in getting messages back on forth using the

Portenta_H7_AsynchWebServer library

There are MQTT examples when the library is loaded, and they work with Mosquitto as a broker

@thein_artc are you sure the ECCX08 library is not supported? Because I am using the same sketch and the only issue im facing is with connecting to the broker. The ECCX08 library works perfectly.

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