Hi I've been using the Portenta Vision Ethernet sheild (Portenta Vision Shield - Ethernet — Arduino Online Shop)
came off on the left side when facing forward (the ethernet connection in front) will it still work thanks!
Hello the camera actually came off the right side but it’s still on on the left will it still work
Push the tiny cable back into the connector.
Delete this thread and use the other one:
Do you know where the tiny cable is because I can't see it
Hi I'm really new and I need to know if my Portenta H7 Vision sheild will still work the camera when the ethernet port is facing away the elastic in the right side came off will it still work? I tried contacting arduino help and everyone that might know but they haven't gotten back to me.
An elastic does not seem to be necessary on an electronic board.
Can you post a picture so that we see what you mean?
Pro tip from a shaky hand with a cheap camera who submits pictures of problems every day:
- Place your camera on a 15cm object (tripod) - because some lenses do not focus under 15cm
- Use a pointer (pencil) in the picture or a drawing program to indicate the subject
- Set the camera timer for 5 seconds.
- Press the shutter button.
- Back away for six seconds.
- Check your image for clarity.
- Sometimes flash is good, sometimes flash makes the image worse... use discretion.
I think the elastic is only to hold the camera in the connector for shipping. Similar to the ESP32CAM
All the pictures of blurred… it’s hard to see what you are pointing at… follow the previous advice
alright I'll retake them
So is it coming off okay?
Ohh, i THINK i know what he means
1 of 2 scenario's
Watch this video for clarity
Either these he is trying to reverse the connection direction of these 2 connector ports
In which case , i don't think that'll work
His camera has been removed from the pad that it's sitting on
Look at this picture
and his camera doesn't seem to be on the pad
it's totally lifted off the pad
I think he's trying to ask, will the camera still work if it's lifted off the pad and facing in an incorrect direction
I don't think so...
But you can always test it to see if you get video out
@zm476 How did that happen ?
Give us a very very close up of the camera and the Pad
What will be critical here is....
Are the contacts that control the camera STILL CONNECTED
With the base lifted that high, it's likely they are not,
Unless they were all on one side (which i doubt)
also obviously the base is plastic, but if the camera was Pad Mounted you may have
ripped off the pads as well
However if it was connected by Flat Flex cable
something like this..
You MIGHT be ok
I dont' like your chances but first of all confirm
or is it only 1 side ?
Get a close up shot using your smart phone ,
then transfer that to your computer and upload it
Try to get a shot of it from underneath as well so we can see the contacts below
This is going to be chalked up to "Physical Damage" and Warranty won't cover it.
as for someone repairing it that you bought it from. they won't do that !
it's only electronics guys like us that do that sort of thing.
Also, How are you soldering skills , I feel they may be tested shortly
Page 11 of the DATASHEET Reveals that he MIGHT Get lucky here
those connectors i suspected, are called "High Density Connectors" Labelled as J1 and J2
we are concerned with J2.
J2 reveals that the camera data lines are located here,
Maybe... Just MAYBE it's a flat Flex on one side only and the rest is a plastic base
and maybe some hot glue could fix it
First i recommend he try to see if there is any video coming out of it the way it is
If YES, then.............VERY......VERY.... GENTLY
Slowly push the camera base back down
then re test
if still YES
Get the hot glue gun and give it a dab.
If no, Possibly a new shield
Yes, if "it" means the elastic. If the cable/camera came off, insert the cable so the camera faces "away" from the board.
The ESP32CAM I received had an elastic on them. I removed it, lightly flexed the cable, called it good. I do not see the cable bending under the camera weight (it is very short). If the image (lens) moves, I will consider making a housing for a "permanent" solution.
I Looked at Page 10 of the Schematic i posted in Post 10
It seems likely they have run a FlatFlex to it
i'm hoping they didn't solder it to the board.
I guess all that remains is that he test it to see if it's working.
What do you mean by Contacts?
Where are those peices of plastic on the Sheild
What cable
@btoelectronics I think I'll try the Hot Glue once you've respnonded
I'm also really trying to avoid getting a new sheild so if you know what I can do other than that it might be helpful if the test doesn't work
When I was walking the sheild was in my pocket and when I took it out the camera was dismounted and I don't think that it's the wrong way so I think that's okay thankfully
Where is J2 (aka which J is j2 placement wise)