I want to make an arduino project, using a potentiometer that show percentage from 1 to 100.
the percentage result I want to get on android phone by an android app or webpage.
Basically I use this project for water tank level. Please help me
suggest an ESP32 which has built in WiFi (for webpage) and Bluetooth Classic and BLE (for communication with a smartphone)
also plenty of IO for attaching water tank sensor (float type, TOF, ????)
There's many tutorials which have the pieces of code that you need, have you looked at any of them. You also didn't mention if you had hardware already or not.
What kind of help do you need - with schematic, code, mobile application etc?
Reads an analog input on pin 0, converts it to voltage, and prints the result to the Serial Monitor.
Graphical representation is available using Serial Plotter (Tools > Serial Plotter menu).
Attach the center pin of a potentiometer to pin A0, and the outside pins to +5V and ground.
This example code is in the public domain.
void setup() {
void loop()
int Val = analogRead(A0);
Val = map(Val, 0, 1023, 0, 100);
Serial.print( " Val % = ");
Sir I need code, connections schematic, and basic android application via internet protocol connectivity. I have knowledge and I will develop application. Thanks
what do you wish to connect too? how? e.g. WiFi, LoRaWAN, ??????
what Arduino are you thinking of?
Sir I want to get result by LoRaWAN/WAN
I mean everywhere I get the water level even I living abroad. Using arduino uno R3
to use LoRaWAN you need to check frequencies-by-country then select a suitable LoRa module which supports LoRaWAN (some are only LoRa peer to peer)
also if check if you have a suitable LoRaWAN gatway in range, see gateway map
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