Arduino power consumption

I am trying to do an arduino project for my final thesis. I must say I am new to this.
So the thing is that I am stuck at powering Arduino via batteries. I whant to calculate how much power does the cicuit consumes. I want to connect to Arduino (UNO) board an IR transmitter ( Vishay TSAL6100) an IR receiver ( Vishay TSOP4838 ) a piezo speaker (VSB50EW-0301B ), a Xbee module and some colored leds. And I want to know the power consumption on the cicuit.
Can you please help me with some advices?

Thank you very much


Thank you, but let me give some details.
So for the IR transmitter part, it will be activated by pressing a button, so let's sat i'll press 20x per minute and i wand to know how much power consumes then when Ir sensor detects something will activate Xbee and will send some data to a pc, i want to know how much power this consumes. I fact i want to know how can i calculate that so that i know wich battery will be suitable for powering the arduino.


Ok, thank you very much.

Your requirements are quite specific and as the previous poster says....Google is your friend.

Your approach will depend on what equipment you have available. In similar situations I have found that measuring individual parts and summing them up could be a good first step.

As this is for your final thesis, you may learn more if you figure it out based on your own studies/research and problem solving ability.

The thing is that my coordinator asked me to do a power consumption study, just for him to be shure that is posible to have a battery power supply. And I have to do theoretical calculus of power consumtion, and i have no idea where to start...i don't have the hardware part.. so it's all in a theoretical phase.

One place to start is with the data sheets for each of the major components, then add "high" current items like LEDs, linear regulators etc.

Ok, but given the details above, wich battery do you think is suitable? The arduino should run about 10 minutes.

Thank you

So you're asking how many mAH of current you need.
Make a list of the parts involved, and look up their current requirements:
and LEDs and their current limit resistors,
for an Uno you also have the 32U4 on the board,
any offboard LEDs and their current limit resistors,
transmitter when it is on,
receiver is on all the time I imagine,
piezo speaker when it is on, and
Xbee when it is transmitting and when it is receiving/idle.

Uno powered with battery via the USB connector or via the 5V power header will bypass the 5V regulator, while the 3V regulator will be on all the time, so you have to account for that also.

So..took you advice and i did the following:
Current draw for:
Arduino -> 46 mAh
Ir Tx LED -> 20mA x 0.01 hours (given the fact that will send a single 600 us pulse)
Ir Rx -> 5mA x 0.5 h (will be shut down for 6 sec when detects something)
Speaker -> 5 mA x 0.5 h (only active when Tx or Rx active)
Xbee -> 50 mAh
LED (red) -> 16 mA x 0.01h (active when Tx)
LED (red)x3 -> 16mA x 0.5h (active when Rx)
and i got a total of 127 mAh....

It's correct what i did?

Looks reasonable. Add 10% margin for unknowns.