I want to be able to do this project but with three specific tasks.
As this light can be switched on or off through internet. I know it could be switch on or off randomly.
And for this reason I want to be able to do it on more than one lamp (four or five).
And in place of using an external webserver (with PHP) that give instructions to the Arduino I prefer it could be the Arduino itself that play the webserver and then can randomly (with PHP) switch on or off the lamp (or if I contact it through internet to switch its home security mode to manual one).
That could become a presence simulator (to secure my house).
But the main aspect of this project is to be able to connect the arduino only with a small battery that is automatically charged by a solar panel.
what is the mAh that must be used by an Arduino. To be clear to what must I be careful to buy this kind of portable solar charger to be sure it could be used by my Arduino ?
how to calculate the need of consumption for this kind of project ?
The lamps you're switching will obviously use vastly more power than the Arduino so trying to provide the Arduino with its own independent solar power supply seems a pointless complexity.
If you try to run this off solar power you run the risk of finding that the solar power is not enough to keep the battery charged, and this may only be apparent over the long term, such that your security system suddenly goes off line and inaccessible to you when you need it most.
Surely it's a no-brainer to power it from the same supply that powers the lamps?
Whatever size panel you think you need, get one 20 times larger and some huge batteries......
They are rated for bright sunshine, they produce a lot less when its even partly cloudy, next to nothing on heavy rainy days and nothing at all when the sun goes down.
The question concern only the Arduino board powering (as webserver that will itself randomly switch on or off some lamps).
It must not concern the lamp (220V).
Then the idea is to have an autonomous Arduino board as webserver that will just act as the (manual or random) switch for lights (that have their own 220 V connections).
It could be consider as a strange question but my idea is to let my current lamp installation as it is now in my house but later use the Arduino board with its own solar connection to switch the already existing lamp.
I hope you now better understood the main idea.
Sincerely thanks for your comments and have a nice day,
I hope you now better understood the main idea.
The idea was already clear from your original post, thanks.
It would be possible to power an Arduino from a solar panel. In this application it would not be sensible (in my opinion). The solar panel power supply would be relatively expensive, awkward to set up wrt positioning and wiring, and is inherently unreliable. It is simply not a sensible approach to take, given that you obviously have a perfectly good mains voltage supply there and your Arduino will (presumably) be wired up to it in order to control the lamps.
Do you use solar power to run your phone and doorbell? I assume not, because it's simply not a suitable solution for that. It's not sensible here either.
Have you figured out how the Arduino will control the lights? Controlling mains voltages requires significant care, and for most people means buying specialised switches which are not cheap.