Hi every body
I really appreciated if someone help me out
I bought the ArduIMU+V2 (Flat) with core MCU of Atmega328@16mhz for my hobby drone , but somehow after several ISP programming with not premium external USBasp the MCU spoiled, then I soldered my ArduIMU+V2 with fresh Atmega328p. Then I've tried to burn boot loader on my fresh ArduIMU+V2 (Flat) by using my Arduino pro mini as Arduino ISP technique for programming my ArduIMU+V2 (Flat) directly with Arduino IDE, but my attempts failed and I could only burn the boot loader on my Arduino pro mini and following error come up
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
I could only burn the boot loader on my Arduino pro mini
I'm not clear whether you are able to upload and run sketches on your pro mini without any problems. Can you clarify that? What voltage and frequency is the pro mini running at? What voltage is the 2ArduIMU running at?
I'm not familiar with "2ArduIMU+V2 (Flat)". In order to program it via the Arduino IDE you would have needed to create an entry for it in boards.txt, and perhaps in programmers.txt. What have you done there? And what procedure are you following to perform the upload?
In order to program it via the Arduino IDE you would have needed to create an entry for it in boards.txt, and perhaps in programmers.txt.
Or select an existing board type with the same processor and crystal/clock speed.
For example, all my 16 MHz 328P designs are bootloaded as Uno's and serially programmed the same. My Duemilanove's have been upgraded to Uno bootloaders as well.
thanks all
I've check with retailer and he stated, ""ArduIMU has the same settings and bootloader as a Pro Mini 5V/16MHz, just use that board setting and you should be fine."