Me and a colleague have setup the Arduino Pro Mini (ATmega328, 5V, 16MHz) on a breadboard with a 160x80 digital display, with the LC7981 controller. Earlier today, we downloaded the U8g Library to try to print out something as simple as "Hello World" on it, however for some reason it doesn't work once we get the code on there.
We loaded up the example code for the "Hello World" sketch, found the U8g variable line that was for LC7981 160x80 and we changed all the pins to make up with our configuration (the only 3 pins that don't match with ours are the CS, which we have connected to the -, the RW which we have connected to the - again, because we only need to write data to the lcd display, not read back from it, and the Reset which we have connected to the +).
Before uploading the code to our Pro Mini, we used to see a single straight line in the farthest right of the display that went from top to bottom, but after uploading the code to the Mini- that line disappeared and there was no "Hello World" displayed, or anything at all for that matter.
Are we doing something wrong and if so- then what? Any help with this issue is greatly appreciated, thank you!