I'm working on a project with an Arduino Pro Mini from Sparkfun and I'm facing a strange problem.
My board has a 5v power supply for Arduino, my goal is to run it "stand alone", without a PC connection but:
- if I run my sketch with Arduino's USB->Serial adapter connected, everything works fine;
- if I try to run it without PC connection, the onboard led flashes every about 1 second and my sketch doesn't run.
I simply connected Vcc and GND from Arduino Pro Mini to my power supply... do I need to connect also RESET?
From Pro Mini schematics (http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/Arduino-Pro-Mini-schematic.pdf) it seems it has an onboard pull-up resistor so I thought it was ok to leave the two RESET pins unconnected, am I wrong?
What could change if I run Arduino with serial connection?