arduino problem

HellO everyone
I'm new with arduino but I am eager to learn things about it so i consider it for my project. But my professor wants us to explore electronics more so she didn't want us to buy ready made boards and modules.. So i decided to make one of arduino compatible boards and i got this here (
I have made the board successfully and now I am testing it using blink sketch.. I connected the board using usb to uart(serial ttl) prolific pl-2303 instead of an ftdi breakout board because it is not available in our place. I connected rxd and txd to the board as well as 5v and gnd then the power LED On. And when i upload the blink sketch ... i press reset button as binary sketch,etc.. The led on pin13 blinks once. After this an error appears

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

could you help me to solved this??
Win7 user
AtMega 328
thanks for those interested and willing to help =)

You made your own board? Where did you get the ATmega chip from? Does it have the Arduino bootloader on it?

hello sir/mam
actually its not my own board since i just copied it from (
i bought my atmega328 bootloaded with arduino
sorry for not including where did i get the board in my last post
Can you help me sir/mam?

Keep trying to press reset at the right time.

i keep on trying but nothing works =( i'm lost..
still thanks for your response

i keep on trying but nothing works =( i'm lost..
still thanks for your response

On the Arduino sketch page, go into the Tools>Board and select 'Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK'

Try swopping the rx/tx lines

thanks sir for your response.
i am now able to upload sketches to my arduino
thanks again and more powers!!