Im very new to arduino. Enjoyed blinking leds and all. Since I have a project in mind, I was wondering how to take it to deployment stage.
I don't want to install the full arduino board on production environment.
Production environment may just have power in, and may use just few pins of atmel controller. How do you all take your arduino program prototype to production, like using in real life? There u don't need debugging or USB port or leds or other free ports etc.
I have already worked with atmel before arduino using my self made programmer and avrdude. But im not sure arduino programmed chip can work outside arduino board the same way just as inside.
But im not sure arduino programmed chip can work outside arduino board the same way just as inside.
Other then how you might reprogram it, an Arduino programmed chip will operate the same running as a standalone chip. Other then not having the on-board pin 13 led and bootloading via a serial link, there is nothing special about the Arduino hardware setup.
Thanks for reply.
Suppose after my project is tested in arduino.
I make my arvdude programmer. Can i write the same exact object code on even my avrdude's atmel chip too?
You need to pay attention to the pin mappings (see As long as the pin mappings stay the same, there's no need to make any adjustment to your program.