Arduino programming issue

My dust collector program was working fine for last few years now it just has the dust collector running constantly instead of turning on when woodshed machine is turned on and then off when turning off. have tried a couple of different AC relays to no avail and have even tried changing SWITH_PIN to a different one to no avail.
#include "EmonLib.h"
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

EnergyMonitor emon1;
EnergyMonitor emon2;
EnergyMonitor emon3;

// This is the calibration factor used to turn the variance in your ADC readings to actual amperages. There
// is some formula to calculate it, but it is much easier to just connect a device with a known power draw,
// run the arduino with debug enabled in this script, and tweak the value until the current output matches
// what you're expecting. For this application we don't need exact current values, just something in the
// general range of accurate.
#define ICAL 52

// The number of ADC samples to use when calculating the current. At 10,000 samples/sec, 1480 should be
// 150 ms of sampling, plenty to catch multiple cycles of a 60 hz power source.
#define IRMS_SAMPLES 1480

// The digital pin used to trigger the dust collector relay(s)
#define RELAY_PIN 6

// LED pin to show power status
#define POWER_LED_PIN 13

// The digital interrupt pin connected to the manual override switch. The switch should be connected
// to ground as this input is configured in PULLUP mode.
#define SWITCH_PIN 7

// The number of milliseconds the dust collector will continue to run after the tool has turned off.
// The default is set to 5 seconds.
#define POWER_OFF_DELAY_MS 5000

#define OFF false
#define ON true

// This is the minimum current required to turn on the tool, set this to a value
// high enough to ensure random noise won't activate the tool, but lower enough
// that all of your tools will trigger.

// Uncomment the following line to enable analog value logging for debugging signal issues
//#define DEBUG

// StreamPrint code from A Better Serial.print() For Arduino | Utopia Mechanicus
void StreamPrint_progmem(Print &out,PGM_P format,...)
// program memory version of printf - copy of format string and result share a buffer
// so as to avoid too much memory use
char formatString[200], *ptr;
strncpy_P( formatString, format, sizeof(formatString) ); // copy in from program mem
// null terminate - leave last char since we might need it in worst case for result's \0
formatString[ sizeof(formatString)-2 ]='\0';
ptr=&formatString[ strlen(formatString)+1 ]; // our result buffer...
va_list args;
va_start (args,format);
vsnprintf(ptr, sizeof(formatString)-1-strlen(formatString), formatString, args );
va_end (args);
formatString[ sizeof(formatString)-1 ]='\0';

#define Serialprint(format, ...) StreamPrint_progmem(Serial,PSTR(format),##VA_ARGS)
#define Streamprint(stream,format, ...) StreamPrint_progmem(stream,PSTR(format),##VA_ARGS)

class Tool
EnergyMonitor mon;
int pin;

Tool(int _pin)
  pin = _pin;
  mon.current(pin, ICAL);

  Serialprint("New tool on pin: %d\r\n", pin);


// Configure the next section based on the number of current sensor connected to your
// Arduino, and the ADC ports used. The default project is configured for 3 tools
// connected to ports A0, A1, and A2.

int num_tools = 6;

Tool tools[] = {

volatile bool manualOverride = OFF;
bool powerState = OFF;
volatile unsigned long powerOffTime = 0;

void setup()


digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(POWER_LED_PIN, LOW);

attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(SWITCH_PIN), buttonInterrupt, CHANGE);

// If the switch is on when we start, turn on
if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == SWITCH_ON)
manualOverride = ON;

// Sleep 2 seconds on power on to let the system stabilize, I've had faulty current readings
// immediately after power connection.

void loop()
#ifdef DEBUG
for (int i = 0; i < num_tools; i++)
int val = analogRead(tools[i].pin);
double cur = tools[i].mon.calcIrms(IRMS_SAMPLES);
Serialprint("Tool: %d analog: %d current: %d\r\n", i + 1, val, (int)cur);

if (manualOverride == ON)
// Only use the override switch if it is set to ON, otherwise continue to see
// if a tool is running or not.
bool newPowerState = OFF;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tools && newPowerState == OFF; i++)
double current = tools[i].mon.calcIrms(IRMS_SAMPLES);
if (current > CURRENT_THRESHOLD)
Serialprint("Tool on: %d current: %d\r\n", i + 1, (int)current);
newPowerState = ON;



void changePowerState(bool newPowerState)
if (newPowerState == powerState)
if (powerOffTime != 0)
Serialprint("changePowerState state: %d resetting powerOffTime\r\n", powerState);
powerOffTime = 0;

  // Turn the power LED back on as we won't be shutting down
  digitalWrite(POWER_LED_PIN, HIGH);



if (newPowerState == OFF)
if (powerOffTime == 0)
// This is the first call to turn off, set powerOffTime to the current time and return
powerOffTime = millis() + POWER_OFF_DELAY_MS;
Serialprint("powerOffTime: %d current time: %d\r\n", powerOffTime, millis());

  // Turn off the LED to indicate power off sequence has begun
  digitalWrite(POWER_LED_PIN, LOW);
else if (powerOffTime > millis())
  Serialprint("Don't turn off, powerOffTime: %d currentTime: %d\r\n", powerOffTime, millis());
  Serialprint("powerOffTime reached, turning off. powerOffTime: %d currentTime: %d\r\n", powerOffTime, millis());


Serialprint("Changing power state to %d\r\n", newPowerState);

digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, newPowerState == ON ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(POWER_LED_PIN, newPowerState == ON ? HIGH : LOW);
powerState = newPowerState;
powerOffTime = 0;

void buttonInterrupt()
#ifdef DEBUG
Serialprint("Button interrupt\r\n");

if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == SWITCH_ON)
manualOverride = ON;
manualOverride = OFF;
// Set the powerOffTime to the lowest possible non-zero time so the tool will turn off
// immediately when the manual button is switched, instead of waiting for the power off
// delay.
powerOffTime = 1;

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1 Like

Beats me why you need a uC to do this when a simple relay on the woodshed machine would suffice.

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