Arduino Project - Bluetooth or Wifi/SD

Trying to decide on whether or not to use bluetooth/Android app or wifi/SD for my project

My options are

  1. Bluetooth - to - android app - try and use SQLite to export to CSV

  2. Wifi w/SD Shield to Blynk or database website so i can CSV the data.

Ultimate goal is get into excel for graphing/logging. Eventually want all devices I create to log data to Access database.

Which option would be easier/optimal? Mind you some users may not have Wifi and also I dont know how to do an android app (working on it tho).

If you were getting performance data from an electronic to your phone or to a server, etc. SD for backup purposes

Why do you need sqlite? Where are you going to fit sqlite? (Hardly inside Arduino)
You can save a csv inside SD without sqlite. If you want to transfer a csv to android app via wifi/bluetooth you'll have to transfer via tcp or serial(bluetooth) line by line.

But the best option I think is uploading via wifi to a cloud, like thingspeak, there you can download the csv.