we have an RFID module reader. we want to scan a tag and once scanned, would display an image. Need help with the arduino code and processing code.
we managed to detect an RFID tag using this arduino code and would like a step by step tutorial on how to display an image once scanned.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <RFID.h>
//D10:pin of card reader SDA. D9:pin of card reader RST
RFID rfid(10, 9);
unsigned char status;
unsigned char str[MAX_LEN]; //MAX_LEN is 16: size of the array
void setup()
rfid.init(); //initialization
Serial.println("Please put the card to the induction area...");
void loop()
//Search card, return card types
if (rfid.findCard(PICC_REQIDL, str) == MI_OK) {
Serial.println("Find the card!");
// Show card type
//Anti-collision detection, read card serial number
if (rfid.anticoll(str) == MI_OK) {
Serial.print("The card's number is : ");
//Display card serial number
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Serial.print(0x0F & (str >> 4), HEX);
_ Serial.print(0x0F & str*, HEX);_
_ }_
_ Serial.println("");_
_ }_
_ //card selection (lock card to prevent redundant read, removing the line will make the sketch read cards continually)_
_ rfid.selectTag(str);_
_ }_
_ rfid.halt(); // command the card to enter sleeping state*_
void ShowCardType(unsigned char * type)
* Serial.print("Card type: ");*
* if (type[0] == 0x04 && type[1] == 0x00)*
* Serial.println("MFOne-S50");*
* else if (type[0] == 0x02 && type[1] == 0x00)*
* Serial.println("MFOne-S70");*
* else if (type[0] == 0x44 && type[1] == 0x00)*
* Serial.println("MF-UltraLight");*
* else if (type[0] == 0x08 && type[1] == 0x00)*
* Serial.println("MF-Pro");*
* else if (type[0] == 0x44 && type[1] == 0x03)*
* Serial.println("MF Desire");*
* else*
* Serial.println("Unknown");*