Hi everyone,
earlier this month I made a post asking if you would be interested in a project sharing website dedicated to arduino. We were very happy to see that among the 450 answers we had, a lot of people had good ideas and we want to say thank you for all the support you gave us.
We are almost done with the designing phase of the project and we now need some simple project in order to create an alpha version of the site.
If you are interested in having your project on the main page of the alpha site here are the instruction
What we are looking for :
Pictures (minimum 4)
Project description ( about 300 words divided in multiple sections )
Source code
Total cost of the project
Time it took for completion
Price you would ask for if someone wanted to buy your project (with your currency)
Submit your project in a zip file to : albertson.d@gmail.com (subject : Alpha projects - Duinop )
EDIT : ( We need all sort of projects, from the simple blinking LED to the cleaning robot!! )
The website URL : www.duinop.com
We plan on launching the alpha website (for a limited number of users) this spring. For invite, check the website soon. If you have any questions, or suggestions, please let us know!