Arduino proximity project

hi, i want to make it so that i have one arduino on me, and one (or more) on a stationary object(s).
when i get whitin 10 meters i want it to trigger at a random, it wil be located ether to the right or left of me but if i pass te object it shuld not trigger.

so i want it to trigger at a random point for 10m to 1m. and in the sake of random ness somtimes not to trigger.

i am fairly new to Arduino so im not sure what i need for this or if its even possible.

thenks for any reply

Consider it as a future idea. Start playing with f ex one controller and an ultra sonic sensor. That way You will get the first experience of distance.

i just fried my last arduino but i have ordered more.

yes good place to start, but i dont think an ultra sonic sensor is going to be te one i need in this project, im going to have it so that i walk outside in an unspesefied root so im not sure that an ultra sonic sensor wil give me the result im after

What sensor/equipment do You suggest? Why not try it and tell?

i was thinking some sort of radio signal so all of my statonary objects can talk together.

lets say i have 10 objects, and i want 5 of them to trigger but i randomly. lets sat first round i walk i want 2, 3 ,5 ,7 and 10 to trigger. then i need to comunicate it to all units + the master thats in my pocket.

i supose that a ultra sonic sensor can help me juge distance to every singel object and then make it unessesery to have the master unit in my pocket. i was also toying whit camera positoning but i think thats way over what i can program, this project is already going to push my limits alot.

how wide is the range of a ultra sonic sensor?

There is Posyx;

or maybe Dw1000;

I have not used either, but I know that indoor positioning is not so easy ...........

Some unknown, mystery thing not invented yet?

it is an outdoor project, for the sake of contecst im trying to trap shooting track for bird hunting training, and part of tat is to always be ready but not knowing where the birds are coming from. the birds im hunting has the habbit to hide and only fly away from you at around 1,5 - 3m in the start of the season and from 15-20 meters in the end of the season so i need alot of random ness in training, i want a semi set track to walk whit clay pidgon throwers (subject) that will trigger when im from 20 - 1,5 meters at random. if i have 10 i want 5 to trigger but i dont want to know whitch one is going to trigger or at what distance. it cant trigger after i have walked past it do to safety.

this is all just an ide i have at the moment, it wuld be a awsome way of trainig for hunting. i have yet to hit a shot on a bird so i do realy need some more training, and just knowing when the clay is flying and knowing from where isnt realistic trainign to me.

the hardwere side of things is easy to me but this electronic magic i dont understand so i need some help.

Then maybe look at the solutions mentioned, they would generally work better outdoors.

yes i think that is what i need. i wonder if i can get it done before next season (10. sep)

thenks alot for your help

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