Arduino R3 chip with Bluetooth connection

I am participating in a science competition at my high school and I would like to bring this project for my presentation.
Firstly, I will connect the Air Quality Sensor MQ-135 ()with the chip and then connect the chip to my computer in order to import the code running MQ-135 from my computer to the chip using the traditional way. Like in this Video: How to connect MQ 135 With Arduino and Code ||ARDUINO WITH MQ135 - YouTube

Secondly, I will disconnect the chip from my computer and then power it with external sources such as a battery because of mobility. Then, I connect them with the HC-05 BlueTooth module

Finally, I create an app on AppInventor to demonstrate the data collected by the sensor with the connect of BlueTooth module

Please guy, I really need your help.

Start by writing a sketch that reads the sensor attached to the Arduino and displays the data on the Serial monitor

if you wish to add mobility rather than using an Arduino R3 + HC-05 use an ESP32 which has built in Bluetooth Classic, BLE and WiFi
have a look at air-quality-sensor-mq135-cloud-mqtt

Do the ESP32 work with external sources such as battery bro?

Yes, of course it does

do a web search for esp32 battery support you will get plenty of links

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