Arduino r4 wifi liquid crystal issue

I am having troubles with the i2c liquid crystal display running on the arduino r4 wifi.
The display works to perfection with the r3 board, the same sketch is not running on the r4 due to library compatibility.
Is the i2c liquid crystal r4 compatible?
Thanks for your help

How does the incompatibility show? You don't state which library you are using (and as there are multiple LiquidCrystal_I2C libraries, please be precise).

You can try the hd44780 library; I don't have an R4 so never bothered to check if it will work.

I use liquid crystal i2c library
The error code is the following
Library liquid crystal i2c claims to run on avr architecture and may be inncompatible with uoir current board which runs on renesans uno architecture

There are multiple liquidcrystal_i2c libraries; hence I asked to be precise.

I do not think that that is necessarily an error; I'm reasonably sure that it's a warning (but you did not post the full message so I can't be 100% sure).

Take a look at

I installed hd44780 and the display now seems to be working however it is sluggish.
The strange thing is that the liquid crystal i2c library now seems to be working too.
Go figure :thinking: i have spent the whole arvo on this.
Well thanks for your help

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